When seeking permission for a new build a planning application must be provided to the local County Council.  

The local planning authority reviews the application, considering factors such as the impact on the surrounding environment, compliance with the local planning policies and regulations. 

During the process of preparing the planning application for a new build we closely follow the planning policies, building regulations and statutory requirements for the area.

Planning Permission in County Roscommon 

Getting planning permission in rural areas of Ireland, including Roscommon, can be a challenging process due to a range of factors. Rural Roscommon is a beautiful part of the country, but it also has unique characteristics that make getting planning permission difficult.

One of the main difficulties is the shortage of suitable land for development. In many cases, the land that is available for development is unsuitable for various reasons such as being located in areas of high flood risk or designated as a protected area. This can limit the options available for those seeking planning permission.

Another challenge in obtaining planning permission in rural Roscommon is the complex and often-changing planning regulations. The process can be time-consuming and requires significant expertise to navigate. There are various types of planning applications, and each requires specific documentation, plans, and reports to be submitted. We here at James Lohan Consuting Engineers have over 20 years experince in lodging planning applications in County Roscommonn.

Another factor that makes obtaining succesful planning permission in rural Roscommon difficult is the need to balance development with the preservation of the natural environment. There is a strong focus on preserving the character and beauty of rural areas, and this can limit the scope of development that is permitted. Environmental impact assessments and other studies may be required to demonstrate that proposed developments will not have a negative impact on the local ecology.

In conclusion, obtaining planning permission in rural Roscommon can be a challenging process due to a range of factors including a shortage of suitable land, complex planning regulations, involvement of multiple agencies, preservation of the natural environment, and cost. It is important for those seeking planning permission to engage with the process early and seek expert advice to maximize their chances of success. We can advise on all factors mentioned above once we assess your site.

One of the main reasons why it is difficult to get planning permission for a one-off private house in Roscommon is due to strict planning regulations. Planning regulations are in place to protect the natural environment, and in rural areas like Roscommon, preserving the natural landscape is of particular importance. The local authority responsible for granting planning permission will require the proposed house to be in compliance with a range of planning policies and regulations, including restrictions on the size, height, and location of the building.

In conclusion, obtaining planning permission for a one-off private house in County Roscommon can be a challenging process due to strict planning regulations, shortage of suitable land and complex planning process. It is important to engage with the process early and seek expert advice to maximize the chances of success.


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